Interested in taking a glassblowing or flameworking class? Click on the class name to learn more about it!
Some added notes:
*Sadly, you cannot take home your glass masterpiece that day. All items must cool slowly in a kiln and may require added polishing needs.
Please allow a week for all class pickups.
*Pickups can be made any time during standard gallery hours.
*Our classes run as shown on the Calendar, regardless of gallery hours.
*Please note that we can only hold your beautiful, unique glass treasures for 90 days in our cubbies. Any items not picked up within 90 days will be removed to make space for other students’ work.
Students under 18 years of age MUST come to class with the Waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Glassblowing à la carte
Blow Your Own Ornament or Friendship Ball
Booking options:
- Make one or many! Sign up online and choose any of the listed classes on the schedule. 6 ornaments per hour.
- Email [email protected] or call us at 613-695-3563 to book directly.
- A great activity for the whole family! This class is suitable for children over the age of six.
- Perfect activity for corporate events, school groups, birthdays, bachelor(ette) parties, Guide groups, or family gatherings! Flo can accommodate parties of up to 20 people.
- Want to make more than one ornament? Cost is determined by the number of items made, not the number of participants. Make six ornaments as a private session, or come in with a partner to make a few each!
- Take your ornament home the next day!
Cost: $35 per person
Includes: All material fees
Max 6 students/1 hour class
Prerequisite: None
Minimum Age: 6 and up!
Register Now!
Glass Apples
Booking options:
- Make one or many! Sign up online and choose any of the listed classes on the schedule. 4 apples per hour.
- Email [email protected] or call us at 613-695-3563 to book directly.
- A great activity for the whole family! This class is suitable for children over the age of six.
- Take your apple home the next day!
Cost: $45+hst per apple
Includes: All material fees
Max 4 students/1 hour class
Prerequisite: None
Minimum Age: 6 and up!
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Glass Pumpkin
One of our favourite forms has long been the gourd!
Get into the hot seat this fall and assist in making your very own glass pumpkin! This class is structured similar to the blow your own ornament classes. Students take their turn inflating a bubble into the glass, with the added steps of blowing down into an optic mold to create the ridged glass needed for the pumpkins lines. Book for yourself, or a group and build your own pumpkin patch.
Cost: $45.00+hst per personIncludes: All material fees
Prerequisites: None
Max 4 students/hour session
*Pumpkins in this class are limited to small to medium scale.
Must be 15 years or older to participate
Your pumpkin will be ready to pick up the next day!
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Glass Flowers
A coveted collectors item and a perfect gift! Come make yourselves a spring flower that is both charming and completely unique!
Customize your colours and take turns heating the glass at the furnace. Each student will mash the molten glass and tweeze the petals to their very own glass flower. No experience is necessary.
Cost: $35.00+hst per person
Includes: All material fees
Prerequisites: None
Max 6 students/hour class.
Must be 15 years or older
Your flower will be ready for pick up later in the week!
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Bird Figurine
Everyone’s favourite piece is now being taught! Come learn how to make an adorable little bird, perfect for sitting on your desk or in the garden. Choose your colours, gather the glass and learn how to sculpt animal forms with the tweezers and jacks. We polish the base and you take it home…or you can pay $10+HST more in-store and have it made into a wine stopper!
Cost: $75.00+HST
Includes: All material fees
Max 4 students/1.5 hr class
Prerequisite: Part 1: Paperweight
Minimum age: 15
To allow for polishing, your bird will be ready for pickup one week after your class.
This class is currently being booked by request. Email to ask to be on our waiting list. Or if you have a group of 3 or more interested in taking the session with you, call or email to schedule your own class!
Wine Stoppers
Design and sculpt mini glass pieces to top off your favourite bottle of wine! Gather the glass and learn how to use a variety of tools to create the shapes you want. We attach the final pieces to graduated stopper bases so they can fit into bottles of any size.
Cost: $110.00+HST
Includes all materials fees
Max 4 students/2hr class
Prerequisite: None
Minimum age: 15
To allow for finishing, your stopper will be ready for pickup one week after your class.
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Ultimate Choice for two!
In this hour long session, bring a friend and assist the instructor in making 4 items.
Choose 1 or 2 forms from the list below:
-Sculpted Flower
-Blown Apple
-Oil Lamp
Cost: $195+HST for the full hour
Includes all materials fees (4 items total)
Max 2 students/class (1 sign up spot)
Prerequisite: None
Minimum age: 15
How to register: Register yourself online and come to the class by yourself or with one other person.
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Tumblers for two!
Come by yourself or with a loved one, and assist the instructor in making 2 drinking glasses in the colours and shapes of your choosing in this one-hour private lesson.
Cost: $195+HST for the full hour
Includes all materials fees (2 glasses total)
Max 2 students/class (1 sign up spot)
Prerequisite: None
Minimum age: 15
How to register: Register yourself online and come to the class by yourself or with one other person.
Register Now!
Beer Steins
Assist in making a beer stein with sturdy base and handle! Choose your colours and learn the basics of bit-work in this fun and interactive class. We polish the base and you take it home.
Cost: $110.00
Includes all Materials
Max 4 students/ 3 hour class
Prerequisite: Part 1: Paperweight and Part 2: Ornament
*this is not a series class, however, we do require participants have the knowledge to assist and gather glass o deliver the all important handle.
Minimum age: 15
To allow for polishing, your stein will be ready for pickup one week after your class.
* This class is currently being booked by request. Email to ask to be on our waiting list. Or if you have a group of 3 or more interested in taking the session with you, call or email to schedule your own class!
Beginner Glassblowing Series Classes
Part 1: Paperweight
Cost: $110.00+HST
Includes: All material fees
Max 6 students/ 3 hour class
Prerequisite: None
Minimum age: 15
To allow for polishing, your paperweight will be ready for pickup one week after your class.
Register Now!
Part 2: Ornament
Building off the skills and techniques learned in Part 1: Paperweights, learn how to introduce air into solid pieces and work with hollow forms. New challenges include thinning out the glass walls and creating a narrow neck for it to break off. We put the hook on and you take it home the next day!

Cost: $110.00+hst
Includes: All material fees
Max 6 students / 3 hour class
Prerequisite: “Part 1: Paperweights”
Minimum age: 15
Your ornament will be ready for pick up the next day.
Register Now!
Part 3: Oil Lamp
This class introduces the tools and techniques used to shapeand flatten the bottoms of standing vessels and to create an opening for a wick. You design, shape and blow the oil lamp and take it home with a wick for a completely unique functional piece!
Cost: $110.00+hst
Includes: All materials fees
Max 6 students / 3 hour class
Prerequisite: “Part 1: Paperweight” and “Part 2: Ornament”
Minimum age: 15
To allow for polishing, your oil lamp will be ready for pickup one week after your class.
Register Now!
Part 4: The Cup
Cost: $150.00+HST
Includes: All material fees
Max 4 students / 3 hour class
Prerequisite: “Part 1: Paperweight” and “Part 2: Ornament” and “Part 3: Oil Lamp”
Minimum age: 15
To allow for polishing, your cup will be ready for pickup one week after your class.
Register Now!
Intermediate Glassblowing Classes
Parts 5 & 6: Mastering the Vessel
Building from the foundation of the beginner classes, students in this course will be given the full day in the hot shop to develop their skills and continue to grow their bubbled forms. The Morning – Part 5 focuses on that critical ‘punty’ step. The process of transferring a bubble from one pipe to another will allow you to work from its lip and open the piece to create smaller forms such as dishes and small vases. The Afternoon – Part 6 will focus on going BIGGER! Students will gather extra glass to create taller vases. Each student can expect to make a minimum of 2 pieces. All items lead and created by yourself.
Cost: $395.00+hst
Includes: All material fees
Max 4 students/class
Full day 6-hour course, or two consecutive part sessions week to week.
Prerequisite: Beginner Series (Parts 1 through 4)
Minimum age: 15
To allow for polishing, your piece will be ready for pickup one week after your class.
Register Now!
Advanced Glassblowing Classes
Colour Series
Glass artists spend years building their particular colouring techniques. In this 4-part Colour Series Workshop get away from frit and delve into a whole new world of colour applications. In this session you will learn:
– how to safely and properly apply powders
– how to pick up colour chips and bar from the pick up annealer
– The difference between bar pick ups and colour overlays
– how to properly make a collar for colour pick ups and;
– how to properly deliver and apply colour for colour overlays
Each student can expect to make one small to medium form in each part session. The form is the choice of the student, but the end goal is learning how to apply all the varying different colour techniques.
Part 1: Powders and chip pick ups – 3hrs
Part 2: Collars and bar pick ups – 3hrs
Part 3: Overlays – 4hrs
Part 4: Double overlays – 4hrs
Cost: $495+hst
Includes: All colour and material costs
Max 4 students/class
Duration: 14hrs total, first two sessions 3hrs, last two sessions 4hrs
Prerequisite: Beginner Series Parts 1-6
Minimum age: 15
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Beginner Flameworking Series Classes
Part 1: Bead Making Basics
In this beginner’s entry-level class, sit with the Flo flameworking team and learn the many patterns that can be played with to form beautiful glass beads formed on the mandrel. This fun introductory class will test your coordination and is sure to get you inspired. Students can expect to make at least 2-3 beads. Learn first-hand about molten glass while coming home with some pretty wonderful handmade art!
Flameworking is a great way to learn to work with glass, with a quick learning curve! Come for yourself; bring some friends or have a fun date night. Your pieces will be ready for pick up the next day.
This class is equivalent to the “Bead Teaser” or “Bead-making Basics” classes, if you’ve already taken one of those, you can go ahead and register for Part 2: Basic Bead Decoration.
Cost: $63 +HST
NOW ON SALE: $45+hst!
Includes: All material fees
Max 5 students/class
Duration: 1.5hrs
Prerequisite: None
Minimum age: 15
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Part 2: Bead Decoration
Build from the basics and explore some added bead decoration techniques!
Learn how to space your beads and add different patterned dots. Learn trails and the swirl pattern. Lastly, try your hand at bubble encasing as an extra playful way to keep you wanting more.
* Once you’ve finished Part 2, students have the minimum time required to start renting studio time and practicing on their own.
Cost: $75 per person
Class includes one free rental hour coupon to start trying on your own!
Max 5 students/class
Duration: 2.5hrs
Prerequisite: Pt. 1: Basic Bead Shaping/Bead Teaser or equivalent
Minimum Age: 15
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Part 3: Bead Encasing
In the third and last part of our bead series, learn the masterful art of encasing glass beads in clear glass to make them POP! There are several methods to try, some easier than others and some cleaner overall, but requiring some practice. All skills acquired in this class are valuable tools that will build to the quality and mystery of your bead work.
Cost: $75+hst
Includes: All materials + free one-hour torch rental coupon
Max 5 students/class
Duration: 2.5hrs
Prerequisite: Pt. 2: Bead Decoration or equivalent
Minimum Age:15
Beginner Boro Series Classes
Part 1: Seaweed Implosion Pendant
You can expect to make at least two pendants in this class.
Skills learned in Part 1: Marias, glass shaping & pulling loops.
Max 5 students/class
Prerequisite: The Beginner Bead Series or equivalent approx. 10 hours experience with soft glass.
This is an intermediate class.
Minimum age: 15
Cost: $75+HST per person for this 2.5 hour class
All materials are included.
Register Now!
Part 2: Bubble implosion pendant
Skills learned in Part 2: puntis, color glass pulls and application, lens formations and adding pendant loops.
Max 5 students/class
Prerequisite: Boro Part 1: Seaweed Implosion Pendants.
This is an intermediate class.
Minimum age: 15
Cost: $75+HST per person for this 2.5 hour class
All materials are included.
Register Now!
Part 3: Flower Implosion Pendant
Learn to use multiple colors and sized dots to create new patterns: two-toned flowers and rose-type implosions. Develop your skills and control in the flame learning to draw with stringers. Learn to shape your whole pendant in the flame creating new effects and shapes.
Skills learned in Part 3: dot patterns, multiple sized dot applications, as well as stringer pulls and applications.
Max 5 students/class
Prerequisite: Boro Part 2: Bubble Implosion Pendants.
This is an intermediate class.
Minimum age: 15
Cost: $75+HST per person for this 2.5 hour class
All materials are included.
Register Now!
NEW Specialty Flameworking Classes
Pandora-Compatible Beads
In this class, students will learn how to make Pandora-compatible beads on an extra wide mandrel. Due to the large bead hole and wide circumference of this style of bead, the bead shaping and decoration will be done a little bit differently than on a standard bead. Your instructor will walk you through the process and provide tips and tricks to help you develop these skills.
At the end of this class, students will learn how to apply the metal insert into the bead hole so that they can give their own beads a professional-looking finish.
Cost: $75.00 + tax includes free
Includes: All necessary materials and free one-hour torch rental coupon
Minimum age: 15
Duration: 2.5hrs
Max 5 students/class
Prerequisite: Part 2: Bead Decoration Class
Frit and Pixie Dust Applications
Learn various techniques of applying and layering frit and pixie-dust onto your beads as well as how to encase a frit bead.
Frit is finely ground coloured glass and pixie dust is an iridescent powder. Both frit and pixie dust can be used when making glass beads and result in an array of beautiful colour and texture effects.
Duration: 2.5 hours
Max 5 students/class
Prerequisite: Pt. 2: Bead Decoration or equivalent approx. five hours experience bead-making.
Minimum age: 15
All materials are included
Cost: $75.00 + tax
Minimum age: 15
Max 5 students/class
Prerequisite: Part 2: Bead Decoration Class
All materials are included
Cost: $75.00 + tax includes free
Private Classes
Private group sessions
Have additional questions? Feel free to email . In addition to teaching, Flo’s studio facilities are also available for rent. Students who’ve successfully completed the 6-part Beginner Series can refine skills with rental packages. Find more details here.